The W. Wing Yip & Brothers Bursaries 2015 UK invites applications.
The bursaries were set up in 1999 to encourage Chinese students in need of financial assistance to pursue university education in the UK.
Candidates entering or at university in 2015, of Chinese origin (one of the parents be of Chinese origin), regardless of age, sex or place of origin, be of good character, and have academic achievements. References from two persons will be required, at least one of whom must have known the candidate as a student. Knowledge of the Chinese language will be an advantage. Application forms may be down-loaded from Applicants must also submit a personal statement of about 300 words, stating their own financial position and career plan for the reference of the Board of Selection.
The decision of the Board shall be final and no reason for the decision shall be given.
Each successful applicant will receive £2000. There is no fixed number of awards.
The deadline for receipt of applications is October 31, 2015. The results will be announced by the end of 2015. Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail.
Please refer: website:
2015年度英國榮業行”葉煥榮兄弟助學金” 開始接受申請
助學金於1999年成立, 宗旨是鼓勵經濟上有困難的華裔子弟在英國大學攻讀.
凡於2015年進入或正就讀英國大學全讀的華裔學生(至少父母其中一人是華裔), 不限年齡, 性別或原居地,品格良好,在校表現優異的申請人,可從電腦網站 下載申請表格, 並提交約300 字自述, 說明經濟情況及事業計劃, 供評審委員會參考◦ 審核委員會所決定是最終決定,不需作任何解釋◦
2015年入選學生每名可得助學金2000鎊; 名額不定
本年度申請截止日期是2015年10月31日, 獲受助學生名單於2015年年底公佈 ◦ 獲助通知將會由電郵發出.